Oracle 12c has a pretty dumb way of packaging the installer
into two zip files along with the instructions of extracting the two zip files into
one directory. This is commonly misunderstood as putting winx64_12c_database_1of2 directory
and winx64_12c_database_2of2 directory in
the one directory say oracle. This is also due to the default setting of the
common extraction tools, such as Winzip etc.
However on using this instruction when the installation is
started using the setup.exe the following error is returned:
Files, such as are reported by the
installer as not found. To solve these you need to do the following:
1) Abort the current installer
2) Open the winx64_12c_database_2of2 directory and
navigate to ..\winx64_12c_database_2of2\database\stage\Components
directory copy all the files
3) Paste all files to the following location ..\winx64_12c_database_1of2\database\stage\Components
Now run the setup.exe as admin and follow the instructions
to complete the installation without error.