
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and freedom"

“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.”

Monday, 7 May 2012

Reading a Soap Response and Passing Values to Other Requests in JMeter

As per the SOA architecture Web services are often designed that one of them is a consumer of the other. This often leads to scenarios where the output of one service is fed to the other to complete an overall business flow.

The provider and the consumer service can be loaded simultaneously by JMeter and performance of the system can be measured under the expected load.

Let us create an example where we will be passing the output value from the response of the first request to the input SOAP request of the second web service method.

Step 1: Create a test plan

Step 2: Add a Thread Group

Step 3: Add a User Defined Variable

Step 4: Add a WebService Request

Step 5: Add an XPath extractor

Step 6: Add a BeanShell PostProcessor

Step 7: Add Second WebService Request

Step 8: Add View Results Tree

Step 1: Create a test plan


In the default test plan that appears on opening the JMeter UI (from JMeter.bat in the bin directory) set the option of 'Functional Test Mode' as true. You may also want to add user defined variables. However for this example I will not be using any user defined variable.

Step 2: Add a Thread Group

Add a Thread Group element by right clicking the test plan node and selecting 'Add-->Threads (Users)-->Thread Group'
Add Thread Group

Set the number of threads in the provided section and set the Ramp-up period as zero if you want all the users to be loaded without any lime lag. You can put a time lag between each user request by using the formula: Time Lag=Time/No. of users
You set the loop count to specify how many times do you want each user to hit the web service. If you want to continue loading the web service then you can check the 'Forever' option on the Thread Group element UI.
You can also schedule the load tests by using the 'Scheduler' option provided on the 'Thread Group' UI.

Step 3: Add a User Defined Variable

Right Click on the Thread Group element and select 'Add --> Config Element --> User Defined Variables' to add the 'User Defined Variables' element. On the user defined variables UI screen click on the 'Add' button. Set the 'Name' of the variables and keep the value as blank.

Add User Defined Variable

Step 4: Add a WebService Request

Right click on the 'Thread Group' element and select ' Add --> Sampler --> WebService (SOAP) Request'

Add Web Service Request

Load the WSDL after putting the wsdl in the 'WSDL URL' text box and select the target web method from the 'Web Methods' drop down. configure the server, IP, port, and path.
Copy the SOAP request XML in the 'Soap/XML-RPC Data' text box you provide the path of the file  in the 'Filename' section.

Step 5: Add an XPath extractor

Right click on the 'Thread Group' element and select ' Add -->Post Processors --> XPath Extractor'

Add XPath Extractor

In the Refrence Name section enter the name of the variable that you created in the 'User Defined Variable section'. Enter the XPath query to point to the value which needs to be picked from the XML response. If the value 'TARGET' needs to be picked from the response XML of the format: <ABCD>TARGET</ABCD> then the following XPath query should work:


Step 6: Add a BeanShell PostProcessor

Right click on the 'Thread Group' element and select ' Add --> Post Processors --> BeanShell Postpocessor'

Add BeanShell PostProcessor

You can print the value of the user defined variable that you created above using the below script written for bean shell:

print("Beanshell processing  SOAP response");
print("ACQIDD" +${ACQIDD} );

Here the name of the variable created is "ACQIDD" and the value is fetched from ${ACQIDD}.
You can see the value of the variable printed on the command screen that was used to launch the JMeter UI.

Step 7: Add Second WebService Request

Add another webservice request to your thread group element and pass the value of the user defined variable to the input request using the following format:

Step 8: Add View Results Tree

Add a result tree element to the thread group to view the results of the web service requests. After adding the element you can save and run the test plan to see that the output of one SOAP request is read to extract the required value. This value is then passed to another SOAP request. The result tree looks something like this:
Results Tree


  1. Hi Satyam, Your post is very good and helped me a lot..thanks for sharing your knowledge..

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Good to know that it helped.

  2. Nice info... Solved my problem...

  3. Nice presentation, steps are very clear. your post helped me lot. Thank you!!

  4. Very nice article!! I would like to know what is the purpose to keep the value blank in user parameter.

    At step #3-
    >> Set the 'Name' of the variables and keep the value as blank. <<

    1. It signifies that initialization is not required here. Thanks for the appreciation!

  5. User Defined Variable is global or local, if not global then how can i define global one

    1. The user defined variables are global within the thread-group and can be access/assigned across multiple objects within the thread group.

      If values need to be passed across thread-groups I would suggest writing and reading from/to property files.

    2. Thanx can you tell me how we used assertion(any example as u given above.

    3. In the above example we can use Add-->Assertions-->Responce Assertion in the main sample(WebService (SOAP) Request) and check the text in the main sample.

    4. Is there any other way to display the Jmeter Result (other than View result tree). I mean in Browser as we do for JUnit Run and sahi run (result of these two runs can be display in Browser).

  6. Is there any way so that set of Jmeter script run on interval of every 5 minutes.

  7. nice share, thanks.

  8. Thank you!! very clear. This post helped me ..... _/\_

  9. Hi Satyam,

    I am new to Jmeter. I am hitting a web service and getting a SOAP response in which i am getting two Id values (within ns2:id tag which is under ns2:config tags> which means that there are two elements for ns2:config.

    I need to get these two id values (within ns2:id tag) from both the tags (within ns2:config tags) and give that as input to other SOAP request through loop.

    I have tried this by using Regular Expression Extractor.

    Reference name : id

    Regular Expression : (.+?)

    Template : $1$

    After which used the ForEach controller and gave the input taken from extractor.

    Input variable prefix : id

    Output variable name : idValue

    And tried to use this idValue to next SOAP request. But not getting the id value in the Regular Expression extractor step itself due to which the second SOAP request is not going at all.

    Also tried using BeanShell PostProcessor inside the second web service request but i am not getting second id value.

    Any suggestions on this would be highly helpful.


  10. 4A7969BD11Noah5D8FEED3DD29 December 2024 at 04:28

    türk takipçi
